Daylight Saving Time: Navigating the Body Clock Shift with CBD


With Halloween's eeriness in the air, there is one phenomenon in the UK that occurs every last Sunday of October — more mysterious than any ghoul or goblin: the clocks go back. But is this extra hour of sleep a treat or a trick for our bodies?

What is the circadian rhythm?

Our bodies operate on a 24-hour cycle known as the circadian rhythm. This internal timer manages our sleep-wake cycles, getting cues from daylight to keep us active and signalling our system to release melatonin (that magical sleep-inducing hormone) as dusk approaches.

While our mechanical clocks can be reset in an instant, our body clocks are not as accommodating. When we spring forward or fall back, our bodies experience a 'social jet lag', throwing our sleep patterns, meal times, and even peak performance timings off balance. It takes about a week for our bodies to readjust, during which we might feel out of sync with our surroundings.

Effects beyond sleep: the physical and mental impact

Disturbing our circadian rhythm isn't just about feeling groggy. Research from institutions such as Harvard Medical School links sleep deficiency to increased risks of cardiovascular diseases and mental health issues.

But that's not all. Our mental well-being can also take a hit. As days become shorter after the autumnal clock reset, the UK experiences significantly diminished sunlight, sometimes as little as eight hours. This reduction can lead to fatigue, muscle pain, and a deficiency in vitamin D. It is also not uncommon for individuals to experience mood shifts, with some experiencing seasonal depression.

CBD to the rescue: easing the transition

With these significant shifts in our body's natural rhythm, is there a way to prevent the effects of the clocks changing? Enter CBD. Integrating CBD into your night-time regimen can be beneficial. By interacting with the cannabinoid receptors in our endocannabinoid system, CBD helps restore balance within our bodies. It aids in regulating sleep, appetite, and overall homeostasis. CBD provides support as our bodies get used to the new schedule.

Preparing for the clock change

While anticipation is half the battle, we can offer some advice: try hitting the bed a bit earlier the week following the clock change. This small adjustment can pave the way for a smoother transition. Additionally, incorporating CBD an hour before bedtime can support the body's ability to relax, supporting a peaceful and rejuvenating sleep.

A ticking debate

The clock change debate isn't new. A whopping 84% of individuals, as per a 2019 study, wished to get rid of the clock changes all together. And while the consensus might vary (with 59% of Brits even favouring permanent summer time), one thing remains consistent: the need to adapt, understand our bodies, and ensure we're giving them the best chance to navigate these shifts seamlessly.

With CBD showing promise as a natural ally to this nationwide change, it might just be the treat we need this Halloween.


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